10 Cleaning Hacks You Should Avoid

With the constant evolution of the internet world, it is becoming easier to stay connected, updated, and informed about anything around the globe. It allows us to learn new things and also solves issues faster than other human resources.

In fact, according to a survey, internet usage in Australia is increasing with each passing day. People are finding it more reliable, especially when it comes to sorting out problems related to household chores. Of course, the internet helps you stay informed, but there is also a downside.

There are some cleaning hacks available on the web that claim to dislodge dust, stains, grease, mould and mildew from different surfaces in a breeze. But are they accurate, reliable or helpful? You can’t deny the fact that false news/tips/tricks are lurking everywhere you go online, even with the realm of household cleaning chore. There are certain cleaning hacks on the internet promises to save time and effort, but they actually don’t work.

In case, you are running at the end of your tenancy; then you should avoid any unreliable cleaning hack. Instead, look for the professionals for the best bond Cleaning in Gold Coast. Professionally-trained cleaners have years of experience in transforming filthy places into speckles spaces using tried-and-tested tricks.

So, here is the list of 10 cleaning hacks that you should avoid, especially if you preparing your rental premises for the final inspection.

1. Putting Magic Erasers in Toilet Bowl to Remove Stains

No doubt magic erasers work wonders in removing dirt and grime from different surfaces. The melamine foam acts as sandpaper that can treat tough stains. But they need your efforts to show the sparkling results.

That’s the reason why placing a magic eraser in a toilet bowl for a few hours won’t do anything. This cleaning hack is not more than a waste of time. So, try to avoid this trick.

Instead, you can use the white vinegar and warm water solution and leave it overnight and scrub it using a toilet cleaner brush in the morning. This will give you sparkling results!

2. Using More Detergent For Dirty Clothes

Washing piled-up dirty laundry is something that needs both time and elbow grease. But the trick of using more detergent won’t work for you. More is not always right! When you use more soapy solution than required, it will make it impossible for your washer to rinse the excess detergent out of your clothes.

In fact, the detergent will trap in the fabric of your clothes and make them look dull. If you want to ensure that your clothes are getting cleaned, then follow the instructions carefully and use only the necessary dose/amount of detergent. This will also save you time.

3. Place a Lemon Wedge in a Dishwasher for Sparkling Dishes

You can try this cleaning hack to make your dishes smell pleasant, but it won’t help you remove tough stains or oil splatters.

The lemon wedge won’t be enough to make your dishes look cleaner. You need dishwashing detergent to remove stains, spills and splatters from your dishes.

4. Hot Water to Kill Germs / Hot Water As a Disinfectant

Many cleaning experts in Gold Coast believe that hot water can kill bacteria. But the water needs to be extremely hot (212 degrees F). And water heaters at homes are set to 12 degrees F, which is not hot enough to kill germs and bacteria.

Rather than using hot water, use hydrogen peroxide or antibacterial cleaning products to sanitise the surfaces in your home.

5. Coca-Cola As a Toilet Cleaner

Have you ever tried this cleaning hack? If not, then never do this. Technically, carbonated sodas contain phosphoric and citric acid, which can remove rusty deposits and other tough stains. But, pouring a bottle of soda into a toilet won’t do anything. It will leave behind sticky marks and make your cleaning job harder.

For regular toilet cleaning, use biodegradable toilet bowl cleaners that can help you get rid of rusty stains.

Tip: For thorough cleaning of your bathroom at the end of tenancy, hire professionals for the best bond cleaning in Gold Coast as they have adequate tools and up-to-date cleaning technology for the best results.

6. White Vinegar for Cleaning Everything

There is no denying the fact that white vinegar is a great natural cleaning ingredient. It can be used to clean many things, including kitchen counters, kitchen sink, windows, door handles, etc. But you can’t use it to clean everything. For example, it can damage the rubber seals of your electronic appliances if you are cleaning it with white vinegar. Below is the list a few things you should not clean with vinegar:

  • Waxed Furniture
  • Granite and Marble Floors
  • Hardwood Floors
  • Dishwashers, and
  • Greasy Surfaces

7. Cleaning With Vinegar and Bleach Solution

Never mix vinegar and bleach to create a homemade cleaner. The combination produces chlorine gas that could irritate your eyes or skin. Read the caution before mixing two individual cleaning ingredients to clean .

8. Polishing Glasses with Toothpaste to Remove Scratches

Believe it or not! You can easily trap into false information, fake cleaning tricks and baseless content available on the net. There is a video going around the web that says that toothpaste helps remove scratches from the glasses. Don’t try this because it can remove special finishes on lenses and could make your glasses look worse.

9.  Cleaning Carpets with Hydrogen Peroxide

Dabbing stains with hydrogen peroxide is a very popular carpet cleaning on the internet. But make sure you take diluted hydrogen peroxide for this purpose. Full strength with over 6 percent could bleach your favourite carpets and rugs.

10.  Rubbing the Phone Screen to Remove Scratches

There are numerous hacks on the internet on how to fix scratches on mobile devices. For the sake of your phone, you rub the screen with abrasive cleansers and then end up with more scratches. Don’t try this hack. You can’t fix the scratches on your own, so avoid it.


Many people fall for trending cleaning hacks available on the internet to save their time and efforts. It is okay to explore new cleaning tricks and ideas, but make sure you follow the genuine source. Do a thorough research and try to hire professionally-trained end of lease cleaners in Gold Coast for detailed end of lease cleaning.

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